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Writer's pictureMichael S. Crowley

Mr Crowley's Opus

Hello World! My name is Michael! Neale is my buddy! They call me pape bear. I am the duck. Which means deux. neale and I are a stroke duo. From coast to coast. Like butter and toast. Let me be the second crusader to share his story. I titled this Mr. Crowley's Opus because the first part is my last name. The second part is inspired by an obscure 80's band called Opus. they sang a song Life is Life. That's what survivors do. We live. We live life. Each day is different. How we recover, whether long or short term, the work may be hard, but the value is great and consistent.

Miy stroke was October 28th 2015. I had a brain stem stroke. It affected my motor skills and my balance and my swallow. At one point, I couldn't walk or talk or swallow. Now I walk most places without a cane. I work in a CALL center, so my voice is getting better. And I eat almost anything. Except very chewy stuff like chicken wings.

What caused it. In 2015 , I had high cholesterol, high high blood pressure, high blood pressure and I am a diabetec. But none of those things caused my stroke. My neurologist discovered it was from a roller coaster. At the first weekend in October, I went on a double date to Cedar Point for their Hallowed Weekend. i rode five roller coasters that Friday evening, then few to Florida to see my mom. It was the rattling around of my head, and the difference in cabin pressure which cause three dissections in the arteries that feed blood to my brain. Blood flowed and collected at the same time, like a pinched hose. After three weeks, after the Cedar Point weekend,enough blood collected to cutoff blood flow to my brain and acted like blood clots and I had my stroke. Do you remember, or have you seen the signs before getting on a big ride like a roller coaster, indicating "This ride may case heart attack or stroke"? It affect about one in about 500 thousand. I was that one. I am a statistic. Fate? Bad luck? No, just life. Life happened.

I went through intense physical, occupational,dvestibular(dizziness) and speech therapies. I have many chapters to dicover. many past and present stories to share. And may future chapters to write. With my buddy Neale, and anyone else who graces me each day. I will give any reader two invaluable things I have learned. the first is THERE IS NO RUSH. You will make any destination fine. The second for all is I HAVE NOTHING BUT TIME TO GIVE, BOT NEVER A MOMENT TO WASTE. Make your time count. Quality.

Life is life. live it. No misery. No depression. No anger. No anxiety. Easier said , or typed, but those mentioned feelings don't help recovery. fellow genuine hearted people. Let's take a journey of blessing together. To life!

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